The different courses/workshops that we offer include:
- Introductory Course in Translation Principles (ICTP):
- Exegesis
- Draft and keyboarding of bible
- Team checking and preliminary testing
- Basic paratext checks and back-translation
- Consultancy checking
- Community testing and reviewing
- Translation Checking workshops NT x 2weeks
- Translation Checking workshops OT x 3weeks
- Introductory Course in Applied Linguistics (ICAL):
We have organized linguistic workshop known as ICAL, (Introduction Course on Applied Linguistics) the course has four stages that enable translation work.
- Pre-ICAL- the collection of words, the use of the Wesay and Say more software program.
- ICAL 2 – the use of Phonetics and Orthography in translation x 5weeks
- ICAL 3 – the use of Grammar & Dictionary Making in translation x 5weeks
- ICAL 4 – the use of Literacy track and Discourse Analysis x 3 weeks.
- Literacy Principles
The Literacy workshops have a lot of program in line, as to what area to cover varies,
- Illustration of Big book for awareness of story like,
- Production of Primer Pro data collection.
- Production of newsletter
- Organize teacher/writers training
- Reading and writing materials
- Keep literacy and other publication materials in public for distribution and awareness.
- Organize seminars and refresher course for all literacy coordinators
- Plans for community and church literacy sections.
- Workshops,
- Basic Computer training workshop x 2weeks
- Beginners Paratext workshop x 2weeks
- ICTP, Introductory Course on Translation Principles x 2week
- Ethno- Art (Scripture in use) x 1weeks
- Advance Computer training workshop x 2weeks
- Advance Paratext workshop x 2weeks
- Project Coordinator/Literacy coordinator workshop x 1week
- Project Management workshop x 1 week
- Vernacular Media Services x 2weeks